Saturday 28 May 2011

karma's a bitch.

All you music lovers out there and even you music haters, or maybe your just a  music follower. There is one thing we all have to agree on no matter if your a justin beiber lover or like me a rock a holic, or like all the bases of music itself. Music bases the foundation of our lives from the off set, whether that is who we bother with, or how we dress, or who we even decide to become in the later days of our lives. In the hard times in our lives, sometimes music is the only thing that we have to fall back on, for me its time to fall back on Avenged Sevenfold or even My Chemical Romance, everyone has their "back up plan" you could say. Some people who are reading this might think, why the hell is she writing this bullshit, it means jack all?! It's because everyone is unique on this world and everyone has their opinion on their style of music, yet people "judge" and the bands that write the prayers for so many people get blamed for deaths, when really it is the people who have "judged" them for being themselves in the first place, so if you are one of these people click on this link and watch this video and tell me you would still "pre-judge" and "make fun" of people in the future. Karma's a bitch people.

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