Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The shadow of light.

In life I have also gone by the concept of:

"Aim low and avoid dissapointment"

I mean for me so far in life it has been a good philosophy to live by, i mean come on you never get hurt and everything always lives up to your expections, WHAT COULD GO WRONG?! Nothing right, well sadly I was very mistaken and you will probably one day will too. Your bar will be raised and that one person you try and get out of your head just won't budge no matter how hard you try. Lifes full of choices we have to make, so are hard, some are easy but when it comes down to it you have to go whats within you, and not through anyone will constantly be compared to everyone in this life you need to BLOCK THEM OUT, because if you constantly worry about them then you will become the shaddow in their light and trust me from past experience that is just not a good place to be.

So I say walk with your head held high everyone is beautiful in this world and everyone will get their chance just hold on until then, and grasp everything that comes you way. Do this for yourself, be the shining star in others, when they walk in the shadows, as you have done before.

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